All I did, was saying comments shouldn't be default for documentation. To which you reply with this.
"People like you are the reason why code becomes unmaintainable."
So ... what do you think, I could say of people like you and something with the internet?
In any case, I use comments in code btw. But way less often nowdays. Because comments have a tendency to be ignored and still remain there, despite the code for that comment changed long ago or was even removed. That can happen with any documenation, sure - but comments are notorious for it.
No comment is way better, than a wrong, missleading comment.
I say 'people like you' because this isn't the first time I've heard arguments like, 'comments have a tendency to be ignored and still remain there' and 'No comment is way better, than a wrong, missleading comment'.
Those two statements combined is your justification (excuse) for never writing comments and why the code you and people like you write is unmaintainable.
Just write the damn comment. You're code isn't as good as you think it is. And no one can read your mind as to your intent when you set upon writing the code.
See, this is why comments are often so bad. They get ignored (and then forgotten) most of the time anyway. Like you did with my comment, where I explicitely stated, that I do write comments. Just less, than I used to.
To which you just made a strawman argument of
"Those two statements combined is your justification (excuse) for never writing comments and why the code you and people like you write is unmaintainable."
You do not know me, nor my code - yet you judge about it, claiming it unmaintainable. Well, what more is there to comment on? Probably nothing.
You have some sort of defeatist attitude with comments saying they're ignored/forgotten. I wish I knew your life experience to see where this happened and how you formed this opinion. Is it because YOU ignored them and didn't update them with code changes? Or others did so and it got past a code review? You don't maintain your comments with your code, given your attitude it sounds like you don't.
Your attitude in infectious. It causes new developers to have the same now unfounded opinions and not write comments themselves. The cycle of unmaintainable code continues.
Erm, you realize that it was YOU, who ignored the essential parts of my comment, proofing my point? Apparently not.
Otherwise, sure:
"Is it because YOU ignored them and didn't update them with code changes? Or others did so and it got past a code review? "
Both happened. And I doubt this never happened to you. And if it really never happened to you - then you either are a superhuman - or never had to ship lots of code with a tight deadline.
My entire argument is, on average there are way too many dead comments around and I would rather recommend to people using comments as exception where the code is not clear enough, to decrease the burden of maintaining them and rather focus to keep the proper higher level documentation up to date and readable.
"People like you are the reason why code becomes unmaintainable."
So ... what do you think, I could say of people like you and something with the internet?
In any case, I use comments in code btw. But way less often nowdays. Because comments have a tendency to be ignored and still remain there, despite the code for that comment changed long ago or was even removed. That can happen with any documenation, sure - but comments are notorious for it.
No comment is way better, than a wrong, missleading comment.