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I followed this plan and lost over 100 lbs (45 kg) in about a year and have kept it off for the last five years. Even more impressively, I did it while eating the very same junk food that made me fat, albeit in different quantities. I tried every diet you could imagine before reading the book and failed every single time. As a programmer, the approach Walker uses just clicks with me. If you're overweight and have an engineering mindset, it's absolutely worth the read. It changed my life.

I still follow the plan to this day, albeit with more sophisticated logging. I use a combinatorial optimizer web app that tells me what to eat every day so that it completely takes the element of choice (and ability to screw up) out of the equation. I've developed it for the last five years and am hoping to release it as a product and/or open source eventually. If anyone's interested, shoot me an email (link on my website) and I'll share access.

This is really cool and I've wanted to make a similar system for myself.

My ideal system would be tied into a smart fridge capable of knowing what food is inside, how much if it there is, and how old it is.

Then it could recommend you meals and snacks based in what you have, and what nutrition you still need for the day.

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