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It's a class of error that would be caught by even the most basic testing. A better title for the article is that 5% of 666 Python repos have typos that demonstrate the code in them that is completely untested. It doesn't matter which language it is: untested code is untested code in any language.

The errors were usually in tests themselves. Are you arguing that tests need their own tests to test that they are testing the right thing? Usually I think people believe that tests do not need to be tested and should not be tested, i.e., that you measure "100% coverage" against non-test code alone.

I don't think anyone could disagree: you could never exceed 0% code coverage if your definition was recursive (i.e. included tests, tests-of-tests, tests-of-tests-of-tests, ...).

Only if you generate infinite tests, then your coverage approaches 0%. But 100% covered code + 0% covered tests = ~50% total coverage.

Also, the obvious solution is self-testing code. (Jokes aside, structures like code contracts attempt something like this).

unfortunately like 10% of the bugs were in the tests themselves. e.g., the sentry one https://codereviewdoctor.medium.com/5-of-666-python-repos-ha...

the tests are only as good as the code they're written with, and as good as the code review process they were merged under.

One of the habits I have when writing kernel code is to intentionally break code in the kernel to verify that my test is checking what I think it's checking. That's because of a lesson I learned a long, long time ago after someone reviewed my code and caught a problem: when your code has security implications, you need to make sure the boundary conditions that your tests are supposed to cover actually get tested. Having implemented a number of syscalls exposted to untrusted userland over the years, this habit has saved my bacon several times and avoided CVEs.

I believe that, whenever possible, tests should be written in a different language that the one used for the code under test (even better, in a dedicated, mostly declarative, testing language).

It avoids replicating the same category of errors in both the test and the code under test, especially when some calculation or some sub-tests generation is made in the test.

"It's a class of error that would be caught by even the most basic testing. "

You could say that about anything and everything in software.

It's not acceptable that testing needs to be run for something the language should 100% accommodate.

The whole point of the language is to provide algorithmic clarity and avoid these things.

This isn't really an issue of 'trade offs' is just a bad feature of the language that should have been remedied more than a decade ago.

The lack of proper declaration of variables is even more absurd, there's only downside to that.

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