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You mean "according to the interior ministry". Of course the government will make it sound like it is the real victim here (while also celebrating its Kill to Death Ratio). The government also claims there are "20,000 bandits" who it "[has] to destroy ... soon". Comparison to Tienanmen could be an understatement, if the government achieves its goals.

Are you willing to say that all the violent and armed (and properly filmed and documented) clashes + captures of airports and govt buildings were only done by the police/army themselves? This is really wild.

No, I'm saying that if there are really 20,000 armed fighters trying to take over the country, then the government should admit that it's fighting a civil war.

>if there are really 20,000 armed fighters

we would see some pictures of them, so far the only armed fighters Iv seen were in Russian uniforms shooting on a move in a column of Kamaz Typhoons

This is what you're shown or what you want to see. I've seen a lot of videos of armed rebels. BTW, the video you are referring to is NOT Russian uniforms, it is Kazakhstan army. This is again a sample of propaganda you receive. The uniforms are completely different.

Not exactly if such fighters are largely armed/supported by foreign groups or powers or entities. Which is quite obviously often the case.

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