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It would be better to link to the report from Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/kazakh-president-... which contains this crucial information:

"The militants have not laid down their arms, they continue to commit crimes or are preparing for them. The fight against them must be pursued to the end. Whoever does not surrender will be destroyed," President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said in a televised address.

"I have given the order to law enforcement agencies and the army to shoot to kill without warning."

"All we expect of them is to return to their flats, to be later arrested or starve to death in the cold. This seems fairly reasonable.."

You just make things up as you go. What do you expect to happen to people who steal weapons from looted police stations and shoot at the army and state forces?

Do you really believe that Western states would deal with this in any other way? Do you remember what happened after 2005 London bombings? Do you remember how the police in Brussels dealt with Paris attackers? Do you think 6th of Jan 2021 would look different if the mob opened fire at the police?

This phrase is an excellent piece of straightforward propaganda. Completely made up, but also quite touching.

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