I'm one of the founders of a small software/design company, and very proud to present the (free) iOS app [1] and web app [2] combo for Bergen Museum of Art's current exhibition [3] of Norwegian painter Nikolai Astrup [4].
It's in norwegian, but navigation should be pretty self explaining. Shame on us, otherwise. We do specialize in interface design after all.
The apps has some neat features:
* A catalog of high resolution pan- and zoomable photos of pretty much every painting, print and drawing Astrup ever made.
* Artworks have soundclips with the story behind the it, and other relevant information.
* The exact location of many of the motifs are known, and are plotted on a map.
* QR codes next to each painting in the exhibition has the URL to the web app. An integrated QR reader in the iOS app use the same URL to display the same artwork natively.
* For the iOS app, all content is downloaded on demand, so the app itself is a very lightweight. This also has the added benefit that the client can update information whenever they like.
[1] http://itunes.apple.com/no/app/nikolai-astrup/id459047802?l=no&ls=1&mt=8
[2] http://m.nikolai-astrup.no
[3] http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=no&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kunstmuseene.no%2Fdefault.asp%3Fside%3Dnyheter%26art%3D1218%26enhet%3Dkunstmuseum%26sp%3D1
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Astrup_(painter)