Over the past month, I've increased my frequency of HN usage.
I've found the links more interesting, and more importantly, the discussions more intelligent.
As a result, my default bored-i-need-stimulation behavior has switched from browsing to Reddit to browsing to HN.
I find this behavior change helpful in two ways:
1. The HN frontpage updates more slowly than Reddit, so I waste less time getting sucked into the link abyss.
2. I don't feel compelled to engage in the Reddit karma game. I've found myself mid-comment deciding that this is a waste of time, and just close the page.
I'm not sure what exactly is my point. But I'm starting to appreciate the value of small neich communities like HN.
1. The HN frontpage updates more slowly than Reddit
I don't live on the reddit frontpage, I hangout out at /r/learnpython/new and a few similar subreddits. There's much less chance there of disappearing into a twisty maze of little passages, all alike. That's what youtube is for. I only scan the 30 entries on the HN "new" page a few times a day.
2. I don't feel compelled to engage in the Reddit karma game.
Never understood the karma points thing. Anyway, on /r/learnpython (and similar) it's all about helping others. A single karma upvote is nice but relatively rare. It's better to get a simple "thanks" comment.
If anything drives me away from reddit it'll be the constant effort by reddit management to "appize" the platform, making it more annoying for people to actually use.