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The OP proposes using `ULID`s, which are the same number of bytes as UUIDs, but have an initial timestamp component (ms since epoch), plus a subsequent random component. While these are sequential (not exactly "incremental"), so give two of them you can know which came first -- they aren't really "guessable", as you'd need to guess not only an exact timestamp (not infeasible if more of a challenge than with incremental integers), but a large subsequent random component (infeasible).

Apparently there are some proposals to make official UUID variants with this sort of composition too, which some threads in this discussion go into more detail on.

They aren't guessable, except for ULIDs generated by the same process in the same millisecond. To keep chronological order even within the same timestamp, ULIDs within generated within the same millsecond become incremental. This can become relevant for example when an attacker requests a password reset for himself and the victim simultaneously.

Interesting, I learned about ULIDs for the first time from this article, which says: "The remaining 80 bits [in a ULID] are available for randomness", which I read as saying those last 80 (non-timestamp) bytes were random, not incremental. But this was misleading/I got the wrong idea?

Going to the spec [1]... Yeah, that's weird. The spec calls those 80 bytes "randomness", and apparently you are meant to generate a random number for the first use within a particular ms... but on second and subsequent uses you need to increment that random number instead of generating another random number?

Very odd. I don't entirely understand the design constraints that led to a non-random "randomness" section still called "randomn" in the spec even though they are not.

[1]: https://github.com/ulid/spec

From what I gather this is done to persist the sort order. All calls within the same millisecond will get the same timestamp component so that can't be used to sort the ULIDs. So the "random" part is incremented and the resulting ULIDs can still be sorted by the order of function calls. This wouldn't be possible if the random part were truly random. I'm not sure this is a good idea but that is what I understood from the spec.

It’s not clear why they don’t just use a finer-grained timestamp component (e.g. nanoseconds) and increase that number if two events are within the same clock interval, and keep the random component random.

The reference implementation is written in Javascript and I don't think that provides a reliable way to get timestamps this fine grained.

The underlying clock doesn’t need to be fine-grained; only the target representation needs to be fine-grained enough for the additional increments inserted by the code that generates the IDs. Effectively, the precision of the timestamp part needs to be large enough to support the number of IDs per second you want to be able to generate sustainably.

Also, the spec notes there is an entropy trade off in using more bits for the time stamp. More timestamp bits is fewer random bits, because ULIDs constrained themselves to a combined total 128 bits (to match GUID/UUID width).

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