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Show HN: Docker Makefiles for Ease and Convenience (github.com/infused-insight)
2 points by Kimcha on Jan 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I love docker, but I really dislike having to remember and type long commands (even with docker-compose).

So I decided to create a set of Makefiles to make it easier and more convenient.

The Makefiles...

   * Auto-generate a list of all available targets / commands that you can see by running `make help`

   * Provide useful defauult commands such as `make run`, `make restart` and many more

   * Allow you to add additional service-specific commands

   * Allow you to override default commands

   * Display the traefik URL of the service on start / restart
Decided to share it here, since it might be useful to someone else.

Let me know what you think!

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