Being an amateur developper, I never tried to touch a date in another way than though a specialized module (arrow in Python, moment or luxon in JS, ...).
I know only a few such modules so everything that remotely looks as time/date computation is a nail for my universal hammer.
I learned this one the hard way when using jQuery Datatables, dates aren't natively supported for sorting, so had to integrate moment.js and learn the quirks of date formatting between it, Datatables, .net and sql, especially since with moment you uppercase everything MM/DD/YYYY vs MM/dd/yyyy, plus notation for AM/PM and seconds is also different.
Being an amateur developper, I never tried to touch a date in another way than though a specialized module (arrow in Python, moment or luxon in JS, ...).
I know only a few such modules so everything that remotely looks as time/date computation is a nail for my universal hammer.