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a) stop calling yourself a nerd

b) your mind doesn't 'constantly revolve around tech and science.', you are just bad at other things and dismiss them or want to feel superior. Normal Relationships don't revolve around a single topic they agree on

c) if you are lonely, it isn't because you are a nerd (heck, being nerdy is even popular now), if because of your lack of social skills and do nothing to improve them

d) get the fuck out of the house and interact with people. Gym, bar, supermarket, sports league, hobby place, dog park, etc. Just because the person you meet doesn't have an opinion on linux vs mac vs windows, or if Pluto is or isn't a planet, doesn't mean they aren't interesting/know interesting topics. You are not special or better because you 'pursue' science

(sorry for the negative tone, but is needed, all the 'nerds' I see that are lonely are a result of putting science or correctness or tech as the highest thing in life, and being condescending to other's interests, which makes they not really relatable, and thus lonely)

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