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One click removed from an original source that is soaked in second-rate adtech crap.

To my dying day I will regret being one of the architects of this insidious mechanism.

The problem with trying to evade, or defeat, or even sidestep this stuff is that latent-rep embeddings break human intuition in their effectiveness.

There was a time when the uniqueness of one’s signature could move money.

Those pen twitches are still there to see in what order you click on links.

Having a conscience is good, but don't be too hard on yourself old friend.

Just wait until they have your unconscious eye-twitches.

Foveal rendering is required for adequate resolution/refresh of VR/AR due to the bandwidths and GPU calcs involved (e.g. 6kx6kxRGBx2eyesx120Hz=~200Gb/s). Updating only the 20-30deg around the eye's focus allows reducing this by >10x which reduces power/weight and GPU cost dramatically.

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