It's another zero tolerance fail, however I understand the conundrum and why they chose it.
But equivocating Trump and NRA flags w/ BLM and rainbow flags is a stretch -- they're coming from different places with drastically different intentions.
I loath the NRA but if they hewed to their stance in the previous century I'd even give them a pass.
> they're coming from different places with drastically different intentions
Are they or is that just your perception of the person who put them up?
If a person that puts up a LBTBQ flag is doing so just to show that they support equality but isn't actually LBTGQ that different than putting up an NRA flag showing that they support the NRA organization (or at least parts of it...I don't think most people can get behind all of it)...or a BLM flag showing that they support a cause even though they don't agree with everything done in the name of BLM. Who makes that call...or should anyone be making that call? Is it easier to remove any possibility of politics or conflict from politics from classrooms as that is not why kids are going to school.
> If a person that puts up a LBTBQ flag is doing so just to show that they support equality but isn't actually LBTGQ that different than putting up an NRA flag showing that they support the NRA organization
Depends: Does the person putting up the NRA flag belong to the NRA or not? Your alternatives aren't equivalent.
What? What does that have to do with anything, you ask? Yeah, that's what I was wondering, too. So why did you put "isn't actually LBTGQ themselves" in there?
Kids don't get harassed for not owning a gun. They do if they're not "normal".
You're looking at it in the context of "my team vs your team". My point is the context is "our team". If you can't see the difference your ignorance is willful.
But equivocating Trump and NRA flags w/ BLM and rainbow flags is a stretch -- they're coming from different places with drastically different intentions.
I loath the NRA but if they hewed to their stance in the previous century I'd even give them a pass.