Even with an index, counting the number of rows is an O(N) operation in most DBs.
1. DBs typically store data in some flavor of b-tree. Determining the number of elements in a sub-range of a b-tree (or any "standard" search tree) is O(N).
2. You can improve that to O(log N) if each b-tree node stores the size of its subtree. But this also increases the cost of add/remove operations.
3. And things get more complicated for DBs that support concurrent transactions, since the count is different for each transaction, depending on when it began running. You'd need something more complicated than just a size-of-subtree integer per node.
It's all doable, but isn't trivial and increases the cost of all add/remove operations.
There have been times where I really wished it existed, though... :-)
If I understand correctly, it is because they want to support arbitrary queries and so a single index would only help for certain queries but not others.
Indexes and compound indexes tend to become slow themselves when you end up indexing a significant fraction of the columns or when your result sets are a significant portion of the total for count. They cost extra time and space to update on write. If your database has concurrent writes going on Postgres still needs to verify which row versions are visible to the transaction on read. The additional pressure on memory and disk means you have a bigger working set. The query planner has a combinatorial number of indexes to choose from
So the planning stage slows down. You have to spend even more time on analyze to keep the estimates (which power this technique) correct etc. At 10s of millions of rows with more than a few low cardinality columns in the filter it’s sometimes faster to just get as much of the table as you can into ram and accept the scan.