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> Also, a man-made item crashing into your house is not really an accident - it's negligence. Someone other than your insurance company should be compensating you

It's not uncommon for insurance to cover damages other people are responsible for (and in exchange assume you right to collect from those parties.)

I mean, it's not like there isn't a human liable for theft, and that's a pretty common coverage in both homeowner's and renter’s policies.

> I mean, it's not like there isn't a human liable for theft, and that's a pretty common coverage in both homeowner's and renter’s policies.

Good point. I guess the logic is that a burglar is unlikely to be doing particularly well for themselves in life, and so may not be able to compensate you for your loss.

Ah right I never thought about that - it's about their ability to recover from a third party.

That's pretty much the only reason for auto insurance. Apart from wildlife enounters, most vehicle accidents have someone at fault.

Well, I guess it depends on your coverage and country, but AFAIK in most countries the legal minimum is 3rd party insurance - which pays for repairs to other vehicles in collisions you caused.

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