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As a PSA: this book is old enough to be public domain, the audiobook is (legally) available for free on LibriVox: https://librivox.org/the-brothers-karamazov-by-fyodor-dostoy... . The written version is available on Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/28054 .

I listened to it while swimming laps. The readers have great, rhythmic pacing.

It's in podcast form, as well. I just searched for the name of the book in Pocket Casts and the author is listed as Loyal Books. Going to give it a try on my walk today. Thank you!

What headphones do you use while swimming? I've been looking into getting a pair for swimming, and am interested in recommendations.

They're called "SYRYN Swimbuds Flip and Waterproof MP3 Player". Just got them a few years ago as a quick, inexpensive Amazon purchase. Looks like they're a bit more expensive nowadays, but not too bad.

They work fine-- only ones I've ever had, so I have nothing to compare them to. I can confirm they've survived over 200 hours of lap swim, though.

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