If you are like me, you spend a non-negligible amount of time creating architectural diagrams using a DSL (UML, python libraries or what not), exporting them to a portable image format and uploading these to some form of Wiki.
I would like to be able to edit everything I store in said Wiki, and this flow breaks when it comes to images. Inspired by draw.io, I created this simple util that lets me (and you) store the diagram's code with the image. Now, as long as you have the final image, you and others can keep editing your diagram!
I would like to be able to edit everything I store in said Wiki, and this flow breaks when it comes to images. Inspired by draw.io, I created this simple util that lets me (and you) store the diagram's code with the image. Now, as long as you have the final image, you and others can keep editing your diagram!