Really though Baldwin is claiming the gun went off without him pressing the trigger. Which is a flat out lie he either believes or he is getting ahead of a lawsuit. The gun he used is a replica single action revolver, the replica was made in the 1960s and has a trigger bar. You can bash on that cocked hammer with… a hammer… and it won’t go off. That firing pin can not make contact with the primer until the bar is moved by pressing the trigger.
Historical note, if a Colt SAA (Single Action Army) was to be carried anywhere, it had 5 rounds of the 6 shot chamber filled. It was carried on an empty chamber in case you fell off your horse. I saw a western once where the actor knew while talking about “trouble coming” to silently load a 6th round, good detail.
Side note, there are still countries in Asia and South America that have their police carry with an empty chamber, mostly going back to this OLD advice.
I would say Baldwin should have kept his mouth shut, but his arrogance since the shooting has wiped away any sympathy I had for the Actor. Baldwin the Producer, had always been liable in my eyes.