I think I understand why inverted yield curves in the US or Eurodollar rates are supposed to be a sign for a coming recession. But I don't get why a lot of pundits say that it also mean deflation is coming and totally rule out a longer time of inflation.
Also I am not sure I get why this signal is supposed to be nearly foolproof. Doesn't it just rely on the wisdom of the crowd. If most traders think there will be a recession then the yield curves inverts, but the majority could still be wrong? Or is there another mechanism which inverts the yield curve?
Inflation and deflation are tied to recessions because less economic activity, meaning lower demand for goods and services, leaves companies with surplus goods. To make up for the excess in supply and stimulate demand, they'll deflate the prices. At least that is conventional wisdom.
There are a lot of variables that go into bond rates (much more so the back end of the yeild curve); current central bank rates, expected central bank rates, inflation, credit, etc. In the investor pool you have a lot of different parties with different motivations; pensions, governments, corporates, short term traders etc. Add to these factors the insane amount of liquidity and changes to the yield curve do have some meaning.