This is sort of a damned if you do damned if you don't type situation for legislators, because other people are getting screwed over if they are kept right under what counts as full time employment so they don't get benefits. In some cases this is the only reason people need to work multiple jobs in the first place.
The only way to really fix it is to make health care not connected to employers in the first place so your hours/number of employers don't matter.
I can assure you no employer that before ACA had employees working 34-36hrs a week magically started giving them health insurance and made them 40 hour workers.
no the ONLY thing that happened is those workers had 15% of their hours cut, i.e they took a 15% pay cut.
Indeed, this is a solved problem. Everyone gets healthcare, it comes out of their taxes.
40% of Americans are already covered by socialized medicine, between Medicare, Medicaid and the VA. We're really only looking to expand that from 40% to 100%. It's not nearly the jump into the chasm of socialism the right is painting it as.
If we can't bring the Manchins of the world onboard, at the very least require all employees, regardless of hours worked, to receive healthcare and if you work for multiple employers, then they can sort out amongst themselves.
The only way to really fix it is to make health care not connected to employers in the first place so your hours/number of employers don't matter.