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Ask HN: Would you like me to review your resume?
5 points by mindfulmark on Dec 20, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Hoping this doesn’t go against any HN guidelines. My apologies in advance if it does.

With the holidays coming up I'll have some free time on my hands and would like to give back something to this community. I've been working as a frontend developer for almost a decade and I've looked at many resumes in that time. I've seen just about every level of quality in a resume and feel like many could have benefitted from having another developer review it.

So, if anyone is interested, I’m inviting you to send your resume to the email in my profile and I’ll try to give you some feedback. I don’t have any particular qualifications in doing this type of thing, so keep in mind that my feedback is subjective and not necessarily good advice. Nonetheless, I think there is still value in knowing the impression your resume makes on another developer and I'd like to provide that to you!

The email adress field in the profile is only used by admins to contact you in case that it is required and is not publically visible. You can share your email adress by pasting it in the "about" textbox above said field.

Thanks for wanting to give back!

Ah, thanks! I've added it.

Not really my resume, but I just created my Portfolio website: https://rjavaux.be/.

Let me know if you can find anything you would improve :).

LGTM, would like to highlight a couple of things - Projects are too good. I would appreciate some additional info (github stars, HN, quick demo or how it looks for all your projects) - As the heading says, freelance engineer (but could not find anything on your portfolio to trust this) - Sorry for being rude but a `software engineer` using no-code platform for his own portfolio website is turning me off.

------ Would love to hear your inputs for my portfolio https://pankajtanwar.in/ (I know, its not the best, still improving on it)

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