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HN I got your validation and I did it:D
2 points by startupmentors on Dec 16, 2021 | hide | past | favorite
This forum made me who I am today. And so hey, I've been running a newsletter for a bit now. It just has 4 tweets, sent only two times a month.

> Sample 1: https://mailchi.mp/660803bec245/top-4-tweets-15669930 > Sample 2: https://mailchi.mp/86e33029d3f7/top-4-tweets-15659734

It covers:

(1) tips on growing your MRR from those who've done it before (2) frameworks, thinking models to use for making proper decisions (3) growth tactics and marketing know-hows from founders and growth hackers

Perfect audience:

(1) startup growth freaks and marketing connoisseurs (2) first-time founders, to-be founders (3) someone who hates being bombarded with 500 random tweets

Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/hMJnlT

If you hate seeing tweets on your homepage you can't act on / don't find actionable content on, I genuinely think this newsletter will help. And I mean if you hate, just shoot me a hate mail and I'll cry. Also, follow me on Twitter. I need friends: https://twitter.com/sparrowstartup

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