What does 'faith' in clandestine services mean? The CIA is so powerful (above the law) and secretive that we just have to trust them? With a undisclosed black budget of $50B? more?
“ There is a higher power in the form of civillian elected government that manage the framework within which the IC members are allowed to operate.”
they sell illegal drugs to fund operations they could never fund legally. remember iran contra? they also grow opium in afghanistan which becomes heroin. they also are involved in sex trafficking of children (epstein “belonged to intelligence”)
There has probably been little oversight or no oversight of the CIA since the Church committee in 70s.
Fumbling the 911 attacks, selling war to the public in 2003, decades long direct foreign intervention in 20th century, etc. They are ineffective at best, and downright criminal at worst.
The interventions in the time from 2003-2021 were interesting and seemed to have some effect on changing the cultures of the middle east. It is still too early to tell.
American elected officials are who started the war, the intelligence agencies are just one of their many tools.
The 911 attacks were a foreign attack on our soil. The intelligence agencies helped us track down and ultimately bring justice to the individual most responsible. Hoorah.
Naive and extremely dangerous imo.