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Ask HN: SaaS Sales CRM Suggestion
2 points by aruanavekar on Dec 7, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
What CRMs are out there that is suitable for 5 people sales team - prospecting, pipeline, demo

Right now checking zoho, streak, copper, Salesforce.

I'm not affiliated, but https://close.com. Not as overwhelming as Salesforce for a tiny team (https://close.com/compare/salesforce-alternative). Syncs with your email so even if you send an email using Thunderbird, it will appear in Close.io and vice versa. It has nice features like "Leads never emailed" or "No contact > 30 days", etc, although the UI for messages is slightly straining, but nothing horrible.

They also send you a bundle of PDF books that appear to be useful "Sales-Resource-Library". Here's a `tree`:

  ├── Audiobooks
  │└── Zero to 1000 Customers Audiobook
  │    ├── 0-1k Intro.mp3
  │    ├── 0-1k Milestone 1.mp3
  │    ├── 0-1k Milestone 2.mp3
  │    ├── 0-1k Milestone 3.mp3
  │    ├── 0-1k Milestone 4.mp3
  │    └── 0-1k Outro.mp3
  ├── Books
  │├── Cold-Email-Hacks.pdf
  │├── Enterprise-Sales-for-Startups.pdf
  │├── Product-Demos-That-Sell.pdf
  │├── SAAS-Sales-for-Startup-Founders.pdf
  │├── The-Follow-Up-Formula.pdf
  │├── The-Founders-Guide-to Sales-Negotiations.pdf
  │├── The-Sales-Hiring-Playbook.pdf
  │├── The-Startup-Sales-Playbook.pdf
  │├── The-Ultimate-Startup-Guide-to-Outbound-Sales.pdf
  │├── Your-Growth-Hacks-Arent-Working.pdf
  │└── Zero-to-1000-Customers.pdf
  ├── PDFs
  │├── 4-Week-Sales-Onboarding-Schedule.pdf
  │├── 4-Week-Sales-Onboarding-Schedule.pptx
  │├── 8-Email-Templates.pdf
  │├── B2B-Qualifying-Questions-Checklist.pdf
  │├── Call-Review-Checklist-for-Senior-Sales-Reps.pdf
  │├── Good Crisis Checklist Emails.pdf
  │├── Good Crisis Emails.pdf
  │├── Good Crisis Subject Lines.pdf
  │├── Objection-Management.pdf
  │├── Product-Demo-Checklist.pdf
  │├── Remote-Video-Sales-Calls-Checklist.pdf
  │├── Remote-Video-Sales-Calls-Guide.pdf
  │├── Sales-Hiring-Checklist-GRAYSCALE.pdf
  │├── Sales-Hiring-Checklist.pdf
  │├── Sales-Hiring-Referral-Email-Template-GRAYSCALE.pdf
  │├── Sales-Hiring-Referral-Email-Template.pdf
  │├── Sales-Interview-Question-Matrix-FILLABLE.pdf
  │├── Sales-Interview-Question-Matrix-GRAYSCALE.pdf
  │├── Sales-Plan-Cheat-Sheet.pdf
  │├── Sales-Script-Template.pdf
  │└── Sales-Strategy-Template.pdf
  └── Spreadsheets and Toolkits
      ├── Close-Sales-Enablement-Toolkit
      │├── Case-Study-[custom-fields].pdf
      │├── Case-Study-[print-friendly].pdf
      │├── Cold-Email-Templates.pdf
      │├── Comparison-Chart-[custom-fields].pdf
      │├── Comparison-Chart-[print-friendly].pdf
      │├── Comparison-Pricing-Calculator.html
      │├── _Quickstart-Guide.pdf
      │├── Sales-Battle-Card-[custom-fields].pdf
      │├── Sales-Battle-Card-[print-friendly].pdf
      │├── Sales-Onboarding-Schedule.key
      │├── Sales-Onboarding-Schedule.pptx
      │├── Sales-Script-[custom-fields].pdf
      │├── Sales-Script-[print-friendly].pdf
      │├── Sequence-Strategy-[custom-fields].pdf
      │└── Sequence-Strategy-[print-friendly].pdf
      ├── SAAS-Tech-Stack-Database.html
      └── Tablesheet-Spreadsheet-CRM.html

The product is tight overall.


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