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Just built an AI writer for social media posts – useful?
5 points by usamaejaz on Dec 6, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Hey everyone,

I struggle and find it hard and time-consuming to write content for my social media accounts and so I started building this. I know that AI models can help, but it's taken me some time and research into them before creating something myself so other people might find this useful as well!

The tool takes care of all those pesky tasks like suggesting topics or writing original content - saving you hours every day in tedious work.

All you have to do is fill in some details about the content you want it to write about and voila, instant results.

Here is the demo: https://socialbu.com/tools/generate-posts

Here is an example: https://i.imgur.com/ZYjfnAA.png

The reason for sharing this is I want to know if this is really useful to others or if I am just alone.

It would be great to interface this thing with cowsay [1] to suggest topics automatically and save me even more time. One potential problem is that it's subject to abuse when my audience gets wise to it and deploys bots to read my posts instead of engaging personally with them. I'd probably have to put my blog behind a captcha for it to be really useful.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowsay

So you "find it hard and time-consuming to write content for my social media accounts". What are you using your accounts for? And is it that important for you to have a stream of postings? Why not just write and publish short posts occasionally, and not use a spambot?

I gave it product market fit and it returned:

Product market fit is like a "good marriage": it's not a state one can achieve easily, but it's definitely worth working on.

Not bad!

Why is this in Ask section. Because of ? at end? Put Shown HN in the title

You built a... spambot?

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