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Not only is the video quality awful, unless you're watching on a controlled device like and ipad or a TV with netflix included, the video and audio are also slightly out of sync.

Another reason to own media is that companies like netflix can't change the playback experience. There's already annoying "skip intro" buttons, ads on the end credits and age and strobe warnings whenever you touch the pause button.

These annoyances have the tendency to creep in and I would not be surprised if at some point they include unskippable ads and a permanent Netflix logo in one of the corners. Disney, who are the worst offernders here, already displays a Disney+ logo for the first and last 15 seoonds. Once the bluray and DVD market has died, streaming companies may get a lot braver with this kind of stuff. (Remember when you could watch TV without a channel logo and banners advertising other shows?)

Oh and then there's the SJW patrol that gets streaming services to alter or cancel episodes of shows.

So there's really a good argument for buying the stuff you really like and owning a copy.

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