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I use my Pi 400 for headless note-taking while driving and camping.

I've written up the details here: https://davidbieber.com/projects/go-note-go/

"Headless note-taking" means there's no monitor. I just type my notes or speak them (I've attached a beautiful handheld button I can push to start an audio recording). The notes are stored on-device until an internet connection becomes available. At that point, the notes are automatically transcribed and uploaded to my central note-taking system. For me that's Roam Research, but Go Note Go also supports RemNote, IdeaFlow, Notion, and Mem, and adding others is easy.

I find this super useful for jotting down thoughts about audiobooks while driving, and for capturing those late-night thoughts when camping or drifting off to sleep.

That's very interesting, the site went down, but I read it when it was up. I'm never taking notes, but I do like the idea of typing into the void :)

Link doesn’t work

Ah.... thanks.


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