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In the book (see the sample chapter 8 at https://unsafeperform.io/retroclash/#samples) we create a proto-almost-game (just a bouncing ball) first by directly wiring together signals.

However, the resulting circuit description is much harder to understand and extend than a more structured approach, so we rewrite it in a more principled manner by decomposing it into two parts: a `Input -> State -> State` circuit used as a register transfer enabled by the start of the vblank, and a `State -> Coordinate -> RGB` circuit connected to the video output signal generator. This has the added benefit that we can compile the same description as software Haskell instead of hardware Clash, and so we can use high-level simulation to run the bouncing ball in an SDL window.

Sample chapter 9 then creates a Pong game by just changing these two (pure, Haskell) functions slightly. With minimal changes, we go from idle animation to playable game!

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