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Gitlab.com is down (about.gitlab.com)
40 points by bauerpl on Nov 22, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

...when I looked a handful of seconds ago, https://status.gitlab.com was reporting no issues. In this situation, my goto news sites are (i) twitter and (ii) Hacker News. Also https://downdetector.co.uk/

Where else do people go for confirmation of problems?

UPDATE: status.gitlab.com is now acknowledging the incident, so that was fairly quick. My question still stands, but I guess it's less urgent now

Sorry for the slow update, incident was triggered and analysis continues. You can follow at https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/-/issues/5...

> Where else do people go for confirmation of problems?

You are using it already :) https://status.gitlab.com/ or if you prefer tweets, the updates are also posted to https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus

A more general approach I use - search on Twitter for the project name. If many users say that something does not work, it usually is not a "me" problem. Another strategy is to use websites which do connectivity tests from different locations (example: https://tools.keycdn.com/ping). You can use SSL scanning sites for that matter too.

> You are using it already :) https://status.gitlab.com

Any reason why "Google Compute Engine" is highlighted in red on that page? Other entries seems fine that are also using it, but not the one where the service is currently broken. Makes it seem like the problem is Google Compute Engine is at fault, when that's obviously not true.

Thanks, I have forwarded your question.

The current selection for the affected component automatically selects the `locations` entry. The `website` component selects the Google Compute Engine in this case.

Agreed that this can be confusing, we'll have to check whether the status page interface allows for more fine granular selections.

Can someone update the main URL with the first one above?

HN is always the fastest to report downtime for vital development services, otherwise Twitter is relatively fast.

https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=false&qu... is the query I use normally, replace `query=gitlab` with the service you're wondering about.

Maybe the best status page we could have would be a status page that just queries the HN Algolia API for "$SERVICE + DOWN" and checks if there is any hits in the last hour.

GitLab team member here - you can also watch https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus

Might be a good idea to link to the Twitter account from the status page as well.

It seems Microsoft Teams is also down according to the site you posted:


GitLab team member here

We believe we have mitigated the incident, but continue the work to monitor and make additional corrective measures: https://twitter.com/gitlabstatus/status/1462838897499508737

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