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This is completely wrong for many people. In the US we have something called FMLA and then I also have short term disability and long term disability.

I have seen coworkers with cancer or even their family members with cancer and they take six months off with pay and come back like nothing happened.

Be a valued employee at a large company. It’s a completely different situation in the US. It’s actually really good from my experience and as you can tell by my username I’m actually pretty old.

It is impossible for everyone to "be a valued employee at a large company". We could all be 'valued residents/citizens of a large country', but we're not.

Your "great health insurance" is provided by an employer who is factoring the costs of that in to the price they're charging others for goods/services. Other people are bearing the cost of your privilege. I have little doubt that most folks in your position and companies like yours will generally shop for the lower cost services/products, which will necessarily mean those other companies you're buying from will not be able to provide the "great health insurance" and similar benefits you enjoy.

If everyone is a valued employee at a big company, who:

Handles trash


Makes our shit dissappear

Maintains society

Digs ditches,,makes roads

Prepares food


Do those people just not deserve health care?

Reconsider your own life. Picture it with you, yourself doing those things. When I look at mine, the worth of those people is obvious and I am happy to have them doing what they do so I can do what I do and we all meet at the park and let our kids play together.

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