Yes, unfortunately it seems a theory or piece of news is memory-holed, banned, or otherwise stigmatized, and then even if evidence and facts show up later, retractions/corrections are rarely made. I remember reading Milan Kundera's "The Book of Laughter and Forgetting", and I cannot help but have weird vibes given the current zeitgeist, censorship, science arguments from authority vs. backing experiments and data, and the attempted mandating actions of the state.
I remember when there was early evidence that the bio-distribution of the vaccine spike was making it to areas other than the injection site and that there were no data to of Pfizer/Moderna bio-distribution found on the internet. A petition by concerned scientists to see this data was file in June 2021[3]. Nobody was accusing that it had not been done, but that the data was not made available for peer review. The people who wrote, blogged, or YouTubed these questions simply saying we should look into this, were silenced by media/big tech.
And now this October, a lab study from Sweden showed that the spike protein (from the virus or vaccine) can make its way into the nucleus of the cell in an in vitro (petri dish vs. in vivo, in clinical subject's bodies) study contrary to current and past hypotheses and evidence, is not at the forefront of the news to at least have other labs verify or falsify this study. It raises the issue of it interfering with DNA repair mechanisms in the cell nucleus. Meanwhile, after a study of less than 3000 children, we are pushing the vaccine on a very low risk group of 5 to 11-year-olds and villainizing parents who either had COVID or willingly took the vaccine and are exercising rational caution. There is no long-term safety data for any of the COVID vaccines, period. So why are news outlets and big pharma able to say things like, "it's 100% safe" without being censored?[4]
I think you're overthinking it. Vaccines have side effects. The immune system, and the human body in general, is extraordinarily complex. The side effects may happen via the RNA sneaking inside the nucleus or via 10000 other mechanisms, who cares?
In the end the decision is: does the benefit outweigh the risk, both at the individual level and at the societal level? For kids it may not outweigh the risk at the individual level, but it may at the societal level. I got an email today that there are 4 Covid cases in my kid's school. Any day now I may learn that my kid has to stay home for 10 days, because this is the policy. If he were fully vaccinated, he could keep going to school. But he isn't (he's taking the first shot on Saturday).
Not really as a parent who is very concerned about long-term risks, not immediate side effects, for their children. We have had COVID, and are still high in antibodies as of three weeks ago. Natural immunity is being shunned in the US. The Pfizer study had less than 3,000 children and is less than a year old. The vaccine is still under EUA for that age group, Emergency Use Authorization, not yet approved. The study I pointed out is unique, but you would think its implications would have conscientious health scientists racing to verify or falsify it given its results in vitro. If the cell's nucleus and the DNA repair mechanisms are being compromised by spike proteins, there is potential for long-term effects such as cancer 3 to many more years down the road. A lot of children unknowingly have antibodies per the CDC. Why increase this risk with a vaccine? Give the known risks of COVID statistically and empirically, and that my kids are not obese and don't have other comorbidities, and no long-term studies, I would never get my young ones vaccinated at this point. The goal posts keep moving and people's natural skepticism is waning as quickly as the published efficacies of the vaccines themselves (substantially only 2 to 3 months after the second dose). I fail to see how vaccinating 5 to 11-year-olds (who are not obese and don't have other comorbidities and may have antibodies already) is the rational way to go especially now since they have shown vaccinated people can carry as much viral load as other vaccinated people and infect both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I am trying to find out if natural immunity folk carry less, the same, or more viral load when similarly infected. I was moving to Florida before COVID hit, and may still do so, or homeschool here in NY if they try and mandate COVID vaccines this year for 5 to 11-year-olds. My kids are otherwise fully vaccinated and have natural immunity to COVID. I am not accepting making them shields to protect fearful adults who should know better how to protect themselves. It's all about age, obesity, and other comorbidities, but that is not being put in the forefront - personal health and hygiene - over the deployment of an EUA (not approved) vaccine for very young, not at reasonable risk, young people without long-term studies. I will wait it out for them and more data. Hopefully we don't start locking down our unvaccinated like Austria. On top of the facts, the idea that media, big pharma, and others are saying it's 100% safe or something to that effect, is also colored by headlines of Pfizer anticipating another 1-billion vaccine order or intent, which is billions of dollars for them. Where are the skeptics (not general anti-vaxxers for all vaccines) who would normally follow that trail like they do with big oil, pesticides, etc.? I believe in free choice here, so you are free to vaccinate your child, and I am free to not vaccinate mine. This is not the measles. The WHO overestimated COVID's Rnaught value and infection rate as they have done in the past, but this time the heavy-handed reaction is being sustained, in some states more than others, with the Federal government looking to step in and try and mandate it across the board over state powers even in the light of the lower Rnaught and infection rate. Oh, and the number of children in the age group of 0 to 17-year-olds (12 to 17-year-olds in addition to 0 to 11-year-olds) who have died with the COVID label is 407 including 2020 and 2021 to 11/17/2021 [1] compare that with 480 deaths from pneumonia in the same age group and time interval; I lost my five-year-old cousin to pneumonia back in late 70s, and my twenty-one-year-old nephew developed myocarditis within 7 days of getting the vaccine, or that is when he finally went to a doctor with chest pain. He is a non-smoker, daily runner, and very active and fit. I don't want to see my kids develop something 10 years from now, because I was coerced to give them something, or because of irrational fear not based on the numbers. As far as the societal angle you brought up - you are willing to accept there are no long-term studies on an EUA medical treatment for your child, and the possibilities it may do more harm to your child than good, to what rational benefit to 'society' and what are the elements in your risk-benefit analysis matrix that helped you make that decision? I hope it all blows over and the vaccines are as safe as they prematurely tout them to be.
I remember when there was early evidence that the bio-distribution of the vaccine spike was making it to areas other than the injection site and that there were no data to of Pfizer/Moderna bio-distribution found on the internet. A petition by concerned scientists to see this data was file in June 2021[3]. Nobody was accusing that it had not been done, but that the data was not made available for peer review. The people who wrote, blogged, or YouTubed these questions simply saying we should look into this, were silenced by media/big tech.
And now this October, a lab study from Sweden showed that the spike protein (from the virus or vaccine) can make its way into the nucleus of the cell in an in vitro (petri dish vs. in vivo, in clinical subject's bodies) study contrary to current and past hypotheses and evidence, is not at the forefront of the news to at least have other labs verify or falsify this study. It raises the issue of it interfering with DNA repair mechanisms in the cell nucleus. Meanwhile, after a study of less than 3000 children, we are pushing the vaccine on a very low risk group of 5 to 11-year-olds and villainizing parents who either had COVID or willingly took the vaccine and are exercising rational caution. There is no long-term safety data for any of the COVID vaccines, period. So why are news outlets and big pharma able to say things like, "it's 100% safe" without being censored?[4]