I suspect there is a decent chance the release was not authorized and instead an insider was paid by a Western intelligence agency to steal and release it. CIA and MIA do questionable things all the time, and Israel has amazing abilities. The strategy could have been that a leak would embarass China and bring their leadership into the informal club of world rulers.
"Let's potentially tank the world economy, because it would embarrass China, except let's not follow it up with evidence of their responsibility for a couple years!"
I think it's highly unlikely that this was an intelligence op. There would have been incontrovertible proof of responsibility and one or more clear culprits. Instead, the pieces have had to be assembled indirectly, by experts, in ways that intelligence organizations aren't equipped to facilitate.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence or laziness.
To my view, the Wuhan lab was a pretend institution operated by pretend scientists so CCP officials could check boxes and tout their academic and institutional credibility. They were doing things that they shouldn't have under conditions that wouldn't pass muster in western countries. The world presumed on their competence and integrity and we are now paying out the nose.
FBI was told several times that Muslims in Florida were renting flight simulator time of passenger aircraft with no interest in practicing landing.
The day before the attack, Rumsfeld consolidated all Pentagon audit documents and gave a press conference promising to get an audit completed. Guess which part of the Pentagon got destroyed the next day.
We know they were working on artificially inserting these cleavage sites.
We know they were working in unsafe BSL2 lab conditions.
We know the scientists wanted to perform unsafe experiments with coronaviruses in bats. [0]
We know the start of the outbreak was mere blocks away from the center of all of this madness.
If it looks like a duck, etc.
[0] - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/09/21/wuhan-scientists...