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This is why I use shell, because it's faster, easier (once your learn it), and you're not locked in.

     $ echo '<a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29253277">question</a>' > question.html
     $ scp question.html oilshell.org:oilshell.org/share
RESULT: http://www.oilshell.org/share/question.html


scp has worked the same way for ~20 years. It completes in ~10 ms, and there's no password prompt because I have ssh-agent set up.

I have used Dreamhost since 2009 and it works great: https://www.dreamhost.com/

i.e. It has survived every single HN front page spike with no problems. If you make reasonable web pages then they're very easy to serve.

I have multiple domains under the same hosting account for less than $10/month. I prefer to pay what the service costs to run rather than rely on free hosting subsidized in other ways.

Shared hosting with shell access is an underrated commodity. It seems that many people are not aware that it exists, compared to VPS or the cloud (both of which require you to become a sys admin, not just a shell user).

I think the main barrier is that many features are hidden behind the shell, and admittedly it took me quite awhile to learn. I started using the web in 1994 or so, and didn't really learn how Unix works until over 10 years later, after my second job!

But I suggest taking the time to learn our shared language of computing and networking. It will still be around in 10 years, as opposed to all the free services of startups! They are convenient, but non-composable, which means you get hamstrung when you want to build bigger things.

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