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I hate working for someone irrespective of what I do. Starting and running a successful business is not easy. Working in the current paradigm for a living is a curse. I have never once felt any fulfillment from work in my more than a decade of working. I’ve always been paid really well and the workload has mostly never been too bad. In my opinion some people are just built this way and I will probably never be happy as long as I’m working. On the flip side, I’ve taken a few years off here and there and I’ve literally never been happier or bored during any of those periods.

What’d you do in your sabbaticals?

Mostly wood and metal working, reading a bunch, traveling, farming/gardening, hanging out with my wife and kid, rock climbing, kayaking, long distance running and learning for the sake of learning. I’ve considered doing wood/metal working full time but I wouldn’t make nearly as much money and my family would have to settle for a lower quality of living.

I would love to have a small farm. It's just not economically possible without another job to get benefits through. I hope to do this as a retirement job. I fear I won't be in physical shape by that age though. Not to mention my wife doesn't want to.

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