Yeah, I always found that...let's say "curious." Programmer/typographer Matthew Butterick summed up my feelings relatively well with "It's just substituting one set of ads for another... for publishers, it's the same old shakedown, but run by Brave instead of Google or Facebook; for users, Brave is still going to collect data about you." That Brendan Eich himself went around crankily responding to anyone who linked to Butterick's article on Twitter added an extra layer of weird.
Yeah, I get cranky at sloppy hit pieces. Your bias is showing, as Butterick was at least as cranky, and what's more important, wrong on material facts.
What they don't tell you about BAT is that you cannot extract or trade the ERC20 without first going through their authorized 3rd-party custodial wallet service with KYC and your "earnings" don't accrue in your native Brave wallet either.
Write Congress. We cannot send a revenue share to anonymous addresses, due to FinCEN (anti-money-laundering) and OFAC (sanction list) regulations, some of which carry risk of criminal not civil charges.