I'm exactly the intuitive thinker you describe, with only an undergrad degree in math. I have not a clue what a Cech-Stone compactification construction based on ultrafilters is.
But... I think that whatever it is, you decide on some fairly simple properties you want to satisfy, and then go off discovering what they lead to and what the consequences are. Sometimes (mostly all the time?) you get something trivial or that reduces to being isomorphic to something else, but sometimes you get out a lot more than you put in, in surprising ways. I call that a lot more like "discovery" than "invention" though both are strained as analogies.
But... I think that whatever it is, you decide on some fairly simple properties you want to satisfy, and then go off discovering what they lead to and what the consequences are. Sometimes (mostly all the time?) you get something trivial or that reduces to being isomorphic to something else, but sometimes you get out a lot more than you put in, in surprising ways. I call that a lot more like "discovery" than "invention" though both are strained as analogies.