I am guessing "Anyone who gets seriously close to threatening the FBI's existence will get extrajudicially prevented from doing so"?
For a lawmaker, you don't even have to do anything legally or (particularly) morally questionable like killing them - just entrap them and have them lose their jobs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam
If you do catch them and it's too public to go after you for retribution, they'll sell a federal judiciary seat to someone willing to erase it.
One of Trump's 2017 judicial appointments in the ND of Texas dismissed the civil suit against the FBI, DOJ, and Comey by name for organizing the "ISIS" mass shooting in Garland, TX in 2015. We know they organized it because local cops caught an undercover in the parking lot who was waiting on the shooters to arrive. [1] He had to identify himself as undercover to stop the local cops from shooting him. [2] A security guard who was shot in the incident brought the civil suit against the feds, discovery produced text messages showing the same undercover FBI agent giving the shooters instructions. The FBI also had to remove flags from databases so the shooters could pass background checks for gun purchases.
And before anyone falls for the knee-jerk tendency of thinking one political party is different from the other, the judge who dismissed the case on her first day was a stalled Obama appointment to the same seat before she was a Trump appointment confirmed for that seat. And the person who blew the whistle on the FBI paying people to recruit and train domestic "terrorists" said they began doing so when Obama took office in 2009.
They're not extraordinary claims, they're well established and part of a pattern. Unless you haven't paid attention to their scandals over the past ~40 years you should be well aware that the FBI's primary means of moving along politically hot-button cases is to cause a politically hot-button crime to occur. [1]
> ... FBI agent texted one of the shooters before the event, "tear up Texas." [2]
> In an affidavit filed in another case the government disclosed that the FBI undercover agent had actually "traveled to Garland, Texas, and was present... at the event." [3]
> Last month (article from August 2018), the stately Belo Mansion in downtown Dallas was home to an event many have been anticipating for over a decade: the investiture of Judge Karen Gren Scholer as a federal judge for the Northern District of Texas. It was one of those rare occasions in today’s hyperpartisan environment when local jurists, elected officials and ordinary citizens from both sides of the aisle had cause for celebration — the March 7 swearing-in of a highly respected jurist who is the first Asian-American U.S. district judge in Texas." [4]
Note the date here, that judge was sworn in on March 7, 2018. What did she do on March 8, 2018? Send a message not to sue the FBI, that's what... [5]. It should be noted that the Dallas Morning News is not a left leaning publication, to the contrary it's chock full of neocons, hence the hagiography written for this judge appointed to put in a fix for a 3 letter agency. No one outside of one DC blog seemed to notice that on her first day in the ND of Texas a brand new judge, sworn in the day before, took over a 3 year old case involving the FBI orchestration of terrorist activity in at least two states. [6] Cases in which the DOJ (stupidly) prosecuting one case admitted to instigating the so-called terrorists in another case halfway across the country.
They did allegedly just raid a politically opposed journalistic outlet and leak confidential reporter's notes to NYT, which is sort of illegal. Can anyone explain why Biden's daughter's stolen diary, which PV obtained and gave back, is grounds for an FBI search warrant?
calling that guy a journalist is hilariously disingenuous. the guy that has been caught doctoring and falsely editing literally everything that he has produced?
He's catering to an audience of hateful people that can't even eat breakfast without it being in bad faith. He is weeks away from an expose telling you that actually the confederacy landed on the moon first.
Being a contrarian fool that argues blindly without accepting or understanding reality and context is de rigueur on this website, it's disgusting
and telling as to why the industry is so self-serving and fraud-ridden
> the guy that has been caught doctoring and falsely editing literally everything that he has produced?
I don't know what to tell you, that's a lie. Even if he had published misleading or false statements in the past, that does not imply that everything out of PV is false, as convenient as such a belief may be for supporters of the establishment.
>He's catering to an audience of hateful people that can't even eat breakfast without it being in bad faith. He is weeks away from an expose telling you that actually the confederacy landed on the moon first.
Dissent is not hateful. Leaning right is not hateful. You are stereotyping, writing off everyone on the other side based on the beliefs of an extreme minority. The same logic could be applied to the left at large and it would be just as dishonest.
>Being a contrarian fool that argues blindly without accepting or understanding reality and context is de rigueur on this website, it's disgusting
As opposed to blindly following groupthink because your "authoritative sources" have unquestioningly quoted experts with blatant political and financial conflicts of interest? Please. Tell me, where are the journalists looking into e.g. ties between pfizer and the FDA? Regulatory capture is no secret. The partisan hate that PV gets is totally unwarranted, its a cheap, straw grasping dismissal of opposition.
This leaked diary is an excellent example, by the way. Though PV did not leak the contents, someone else did, and there are images of pages detailing Ashley's potential molestation by her father. If our media had a semblance of objectivity that would be a huge story - and apparently if the FBI is raiding PV over the diary (for which there is absolutely no justification, beyond party politics), the diary must be authentic. Hunter Biden's laptop was another example of mass collusion by partisan media - regardless of how you feel about the situation, images of a presidential candidate's son smoking crack with prostitutes is huge news. PV was one of the few outlets willing to touch it.
In any case, that you may think O'Keefe is biased does not imply that he is not in fact a journalist; unless you are willing to be consistent and acknowledge that the blatant activism that has replaced journalism in mainstream media also disqualifies them from identifying as journalists. This is what dissent looks like.
The boy who cried wolf alludes to a heuristic, not carte blanche to disregard media outlets you don't like.
And I would argue that dozens of images of the son of a presidential candidate partying with prostitutes and a crack pipe is indeed substance - regardless, the coordinated refusal to report negative information regarding their preferred party should make you at least as concerned about selective reporting as you are about PV. It is blatant evidence of partisanship, propaganda, and the same sort of election influencing collusion that trump and russia were accused of. Conveniently off of a false report as has recently come out - is that enough for you to start disregarding MSM outlets now? Clearly there wasn't even an attempt to investigate the steele dossier on the part of the propagandists you so blindly trust. Crying wolf indeed.
> He's catering to an audience of hateful people that can't even eat breakfast without it being in bad faith.
This sounds like a parody of an accusation of bad faith. If some people can't even eat breakfast without being accused of acting in bad faith, that says more about the people making the accusation.