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You are still arguing this point like its my fault.

Does fault matter? Whose responsibility is it?

Of course fault matters, cost of rent going up so high no one can afford an apartment. Do you blame the residents, like chii is doing, for not making enough? Or do you blame the fucking assholes raising the god damn rent?

I don't blame. I don't find fault. There's just responsibility.

Life is hard and things aren't fair.

True. But that has nothing to do with responsibility.

Sure it does. When you or anyone performs an action there is a consequence. Consequences can be good or bad. When you raise the rent the consequence is people pay more for rent. The people who performed the action of raising the rent are responsible for their actions. Those actions also have the consequence that fewer people can afford rent. The increase in people that can't afford rents cause a crisis, that crisis is that people that cannot afford to live in an apartment live on the street. That has everything to do with who is responsible. The people that are responsible are the people that raise the rent. How is that not obvious?

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