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Ask HN: Creative/interesting FUSE filesystems?
5 points by alhirzel on Nov 9, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
What are the most creative uses of FUSE [1] filesystems that you've seen?

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace

I thought about using FUSE while I was attempting to reverse engineer a proprietary file system that was on floppies for an old ISDN analyzer.

For context I wanted to try to reverse engineer some do the programs on the floppies, but being a proprietary file system, but obviously couldn’t browse the files normally. I loaded some of the floppies into a hex editor and tried to analyze them. I did manage to find some patterns, including a header and file table, but upon not a particularly good reverse engineer and failed to recognize some seemingly random bytes sequences that would slightly differ between floppies. I do remember it seeming incredibly primitive and figured if I ever cracked it, I could use FUSE to implement and then mount the file system and browse the files normally.

Sadly I never fully completed my reverse engineering, but it seemed like a decent job for FUSE.


If we find a way to compute Pi's decimals quickly enough, this FS will become the next big thing :)

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