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I want to be convinced, but your posts don't help.

Three posts up, your only citation was to Wikipedia, claiming 20% of whites were against apartheid. But the paragraph in Wikipedia itself doesn't cite anything. I hope I don't need to say: Wikipedia is not in and of itself a source. Either they need to cite some sort of an underlying source, or you do.

The post I'm immediately replying to has one citation to a source about Black ownership of land. That's not what's under dispute here.

Can you provide some actual sources substantiating the claim of what percentage of whites actually did (or did not) support apartheid? Otherwise your posts are pure rhetoric.

Some citations can be found in the 'support for apartheid' section here: http://www.brandonhamber.com/publications/Journal%20A%20Stat...

Also note the striking statistic in the abstract: "...over 40% of those surveyed think apartheid was a good idea, badly executed." And this was a survey conducted in 1996.

Genuine question: why as a HN reader - so probably quite scientific - why is it "striking" to you that after learning on this very forum of referendum where you found out that 30% voted to maintain Apartheid, a mere FOUR years later a poll finds 40% holding a similar position?

a) surely you are familiar with error bars?

b) where did you think that 30% went?

I would be astonished if the poll said otherwise.

You've broken the site guidelines so badly and so repeatedly, not just in this hellish flamewar but before that as well, that I've banned this account.

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