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That's a call to authority.

Sometimes, we are stuck in a local optimum, and a new redesign is needed, which involves some tough calls and unusual solutions.

As for a bedroom without windows, when I sleep I like that my bedroom is dark. When I don't sleep, I'm not in my bed or my bedroom.

So I'm not exactly sure what people complain about his design.

> That's a call to authority

My comment was responding to a call for authority. I’m not using their position for anything more than to say that they’re informed.

> When I don't sleep, I'm not in my bed or my bedroom.

I’m similar now but I was in my room a lot when I was in uni. There were also plenty of kids on my hall who were in their rooms at basically all times, leaving only for class and food.

> There were also plenty of kids on my hall who were in their rooms at basically all times, leaving only for class and food.

If I may venture a guess, it may have been caused by the lack of better alternatives.

Reducing the sleeping room to its core feature (sleeping!) may give more space to build rooms for other important features, while disincentivizing staying in one room at basically all times (which I see as generally a bad idea)

Expertise is authority with foundation.

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