They say in that article the Intel will produce chips based on 10nm tech in 2025.
However Wikipedia says the Apple M1 chips are currently using 5nm tech...
How come?
There's lots of variation in how companies define their nodes and not really connected to any measurement anymore. I.e. if a company speaks about it's "10nm node" that doesn't mean there is a physical thing 10nm in size (and e.g. Intels 10nm node is often considered to be equivalent to Samsungs 7nm node) - it's better to think of it as a version number in a way. As such, talking about these things gets confusing quickly, and the article also doesn't clarify what exactly it means when it says "10nm in size".
Different companies call these technologies different things, but they're fairly divorced from the actual minimum feature size these days. Your advertised feature size is a marketing term, so it's going to be gamed to some extent.