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Ask HN: What are some ideas for how to best use idle compute time?
3 points by thesurlydev on Nov 8, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I have a small lab at home that I put together to learn and develop Kubernetes skills. While this is still the primary use, the compute time is mostly idle. What are some ideas for how best to use this idle compute time?

Even better if it results in some passive income. One idea I had is to use the 4 nodes to mine bitcoin. Supposedly, you can use CPU as well as GPU to mine but I'm still investigating.

You aren't going to be profitably mining Bitcoin on any commodity CPU or GPU these days. There are a few minor cryptocurrencies with proof-of-work functions where you'll get more yield on your GPU or CPU. But even then, just breaking even on your electric costs is uncertain. Though if you can mine Ethereum on your GPU (takes a hefty GPU) then it's probably profitable right now.

If you want a more philanthropic option, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berkeley_Open_Infrastructure_f...

Thanks for the pointer. I figured as much about mining although I do live in a place that has relatively low electric costs ($.07/kWh)

CPUs consume energy. Bitcoin mining will cost more on your electricity bill than you'd mine.

You can crunch numbers for astronomy research https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_distributed_computing_...

If you are willing to donate the time there are distributed scientific computing projects such as Folding@home https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@home .

CERN has a few programs where you can donate compute (scroll down, under "Projects"):


SETI@Home :P, GANs, Altcoins, whattomine[dot]com, but it wouldnt be idle compute time. Im my idle time I try to get some sleep.

Theres also crowdsensing; you may also consider Proof of capacity (PoC).

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