Not parent poster but I would guess that there's now hundreds of thousands of students going through institutions like MIT who are being indoctrinated, who will be coming to a work force near you real soon. They will be demanding (and I've seen this already first hand) for everyone to fall into line with the wokeness. Spineless leaders will listen to them and fear them, and as we have seen already, do as they demand.
You'll have to educate me on who Deltron3030 are and what "Crises precipitate change" means. Is there something in the song's lyrics that is relevant here?
Before every great change there is a crescendo of the status quo. The lyric is from a future dystopian song that is unrelated, in the concrete sense. The quote, however, in my own interpretation the quote expresses that when things reach a fever pitch, when things become unpalatable for general society, the pendulum will swing back in the other direction.