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Ok this is their theory for how it senses:

> Physarum is widely known to grow in a pulsatile manner, which consists of a forward growth phase and a reverse streaming phase during which the cytoplasm is retracted away from the growth regions (Figure 8A). We have observed that this oscillation is critical for Physarum mechanosensation and that interrupting it by changing the substrate stiffness (Figure 4) or interfering with the oscillations (Figure 6) prevents accurate decision making. Thus, we propose a theoretical model of Physarum navigation where this oscillatory behavior acts as a sample-and- integrate function (Figure 8B): the growth regions sample the environment during the growth phase, optimize the direction of the network tubes during the reverse streaming phase by inducing internal tension in the Physarum network which then aligns future growth of the growth regions.

So basically the slime mold pulls back on the substrate and feels for strain gradients.

The organism didn't evolve to live in a petri dish. I wonder how it uses this ability in the wild.

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