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List of Games Affected by DRM Issue in 12th Gen Intel (intel.com)
21 points by TiredOfLife on Nov 5, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I like the abuse of the scroll lock key. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000...

In all fairness, there's not much evil here. Yes the games try to ensure that you're playing a paid-for game. It only happens to be mistaken that your different kinds of cores are all the same machine so one paid game is all that should be needed. The software used by the games to do its DRM has nothing to do with Intel and needs a fix is all which I expect will be coming soon.

I wonder how Linux users with Proton are affected by these.

What does the "scroll lock workaround" actually do? Does it disable DRM, or does it hide the low-power cores?

The articles I've read indicate it disables the low power cores.

Just like a modern day turbo button.

There’s a good list of games to skip.

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