(CEO here) https://golioth.io is an IoT development platform that provides different cloud services for building connected hardware (security, software updates, etc.) As the creator of hardware, you write the code that runs on the hardware. So you need some way to develop that code. Setting up the compiler, build system, debugger, etc. is always a challenge, even for experienced developers.
Gitpod allowed us to build upon their container-based environment and configure it to work out of the box with all the things a developer needs to build, flash and debug hardware using Zephyr, a popular software stack & operating system for IoT devices.
So our main value is our developer platform - plus our custom-developed Gitpod configuration. We encourage you to check both out at https://golioth.io & https://gitpod.io :)
When your product is publicly available (not clear from your website, given the signup barrier), you should do a Show HN. I'm happy to help you if you send a draft to hn@ycombinator.com—same offer goes for anyone—as long as you don't mind dealing with my terrible worst-case latency.
It's good to follow the tips we give to YC startups launching on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/yli.html. The logistical aspects there don't apply to non-YC startups but the communication aspects apply to everyone.
Additionally we have support for very low spec and low cost microcontrollers. These are the type of device that provide ability to sustainably scale an IoT deployment out into the millions and beyond.
See: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/nordic/nordic-blog/b/blog/pos...