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> How did I get in this situation?

As somebody who has been interviewing recently and worked as a developer for a long time I am confident it is due to poor expectation management.

First of all definitions of "senior developer" vary wildly. At some places that could mean somebody who perform architecture and writes precise roadmaps for new efforts and integrations. At some places "senior developer" really just means been doing the same junior stuff for long enough to warrant a title bump for retention. As an example many places reward repeated "hard work" with promotions when really the goal of software is automation, so that you don't have to work as hard on repeated efforts later.

That said it doesn't matter if as a senior developer they are actually are brilliant or are some expert beginner framework junkie. If they are wildly out of alignment to the new shop it is far easier to blame that new shop than perform some self-reflection.

My solution for this alignment problem is to qualify decision making capacity during the interview process. If, for example I were a senior developer applying for a full-stack position, I would drill down into things like formalizing documentation (writing things down that are not code) and original code (solving a problem directly instead something external or downloaded).

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