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Fuck them, that's what I have to say.

And also thank you, for giving many companies the necessary push for them to realize Oracle's JDK was not the only game in town and many others could deliver a perfectly fine JDK.

There are few things worse in this business than being labeled an "unreliable partner" and Oracle is being seen as just that even at big companies. Oracle's wisdom to pull this kind of bullshit is already legendary, the Open Solaris train-wreck, the MySQL writing on the wall, the OpenOffice implosion, the JDK shoot-in-foot, those samurais at Oracle's board sure know what they're doing..

Missing from the list is Hudson, which was killed even more dead than OpenOffice. Exactly everyone uses the fork Jenkins instead.

Maybe KSplice deserves a spot on the list too, it's far from dead but used to be promising and isn't now used much outside Oracle.

The only mystery is Virtualbox, which somehow escaped death and is still useful.

Oh yeah I forgot Hudson, maybe that one wins 1st place as far as shamelessness is concerned, but because the fork was so swift and Jenkins took over very few people even remember Hudson.

Virtualbox was poisoned to take over the whole VM desktop "business" and then.. it stayed there. Not dead but not much vitality going on.


Poisoned is what Oracle did to it with the plug-in and extension licensing nonsense.

I tried to buy a license for the extensions and they told me to call them back when I wanted at least a few hundred, and until then just to enjoy.

Oh gosh, I remember someone briefly mentioning Hudson in late 2015 (as a long-dead precursor to Jenkins) and that was the first I heard of it. I can't believe it was maintained until 2016.

It's dead the Apple ecosystem now. They're not bothering to port to ARM64.

> Oracle's JDK was not the only game in town and many others could deliver a perfectly fine JDK

Which are almost all just tiny changes on OpenJDK, developed almost solely by Oracle. So who actually deliver a perfectly fine JDK? Also, what do you even mean by JDK shoot-in-foot?

> Which are almost all just tiny changes on OpenJDK, developed almost solely by Oracle.

No thanks to how Oracle eviscerated the JCP (Java Community Process) and reduced to rubber-stamping Oracles roadmap.

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