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Nope) I mean decompiler. Grab dotpeek from Jetbrains and see what I mean.

I don't have any C# projects to decompile so let me ask you, do you typically use this with projects that have source available so you are essentially attaching a debugger to their source, or are you looking at a bunch of generically named, comment-stripped decompiled functions like I described above?

The latter. The code was very straight forward in most cases and I just saw the raw logic. Sometimes I was able to get on good terms enough with a Dev to get them to explain their logic, but usually the code stood on its own.

But Generically named is not appropriate here, as at least with this job, we had really good devs, and they would get slapped pretty hard for non-intuitive naming. The Dev Leads were very careful about naming schemes and the end result was that it was pretty simple to understand what something was related to.

DotPeek also makes a lot of this work __very__ convenient with things like the stack trace explorer and its navigation tooling.

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